Sunday, October 16, 2011

Realizations at 4am

Realized there’s definitely a difference between what you really want and what you plan. Not like what I plan isn’t what I want. It’s what I want but not as much as what I really want. It’s more of like, I want this coz this is where I should be at this certain point of my life. This is what I should already be. Something like that.

I mean, I guess both would make me happy either way. But later on I’d probably ask myself, “What if?” What if I took a chance on what I really want? Cos then eventually after going after it, it’s either things would turn out differently and better, or things would go exactly as I envisioned it to be and way even better.

I know deep down it’s worth it. But I’m just probably scared if I am worth all of it. And all the things and moments I’ll miss, and what will happen to the people I care about the most if I go for it. Mostly that. Just partly of what will happen to me.
Is this really calling for me?
If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time.
-Habbakuk 2:3, The Message 

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