Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Hearts.

Tomorrow's Valentine's Day.

Should I be excited?

As the dreaded day comes nearer, I realize how lonely it is to be alone sometimes. It's not so bad though. I just can't help but think why the hell am I still single?

Destiny addict? Perfectionist? Busy Bee? Just friends forever? Born to be one? Happy-go-lucky? Wrong time? Parent trap? Trauma? Or just simply don't want to be committed yet?
(from Multiply blogs and Friendster bulletins)

I guess I am a little bit of everything.

I have been spending Valentine's Day for almost 17 years alone.

Tomorrow's Valentine's Day.

Should I be excited?

Maybe or maybe not? Maybe. Why? Because Valentine's day for singles like me is also Single Awareness Day! Happy Single Awareness day! Group date! Wahahaha! :))

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